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: club med footrpint
Jury hears of footprint on a Club Med
The absence of the temporary verbatim court
reporter in a Supreme Court trial yesterday was quite noticeable
as prosecution witnesses testified slowly to allow Puisne
Judge the Hon. Mr. Justice (Austin) Ward to write everything
in longhand.
A total of eight witnesses, including a finger
print expert from Canada, took the stand throughout the day
in the trial of a 26 year-old St. George's man accused of
The man is charged with two counts of rape
said to have occurred at Club Med hotel in July, 1987, and
July, 1988. Although separate incidents, both victims said
they woke to find a black man lying beside them in bed in
their rooms.
The accused denies both charges as well as
a third count of burglary on July 21, 1987, when he is alleged
to have stolen a digital Casio watch from another room.
D.c. Stuart Crockwell, who investigated the
case, said shortly after the incidents were reported he photographed
a footprint he discovered on a third-floor balcony of the
Club Med hotel, and subsequently lifted an impression of it.
But, under cross examination from defending
lawyer Mr. Richard Hector, D.c. Crockwell conceded that he
did not know when the footprint had been made on the balcony.
Det. Sgt. Keith Cassidy, who is an expert
in analysis and identification of prints, said after finding
ten identical characteristics, he sent the photographed footprint
and ink footprints of the accused to Canada for further confirmation.
And Mr. Brian Dalrymple, who is an expert
in analysis, comparison and identification 6f fingerprints,
told the court how he found 23 similar characteristics between
the photographed footprint and ink footprints of the accused.
"In my opinion, the two footprints are
identical," Mr. Dalrymple said. And he explained that
after carrying out numerous experiments he has never found
two people with the same finger or foot prints.
Another witness from Canada, Mr. Steven Reisler,
recalled how he was the victim of a robbery three years ago
at Club Med.
Reisler said he woke up in his third-floor
room on July 21, 1987, to find his black Casio watch worth
US $75 and a $20 bill missing from a table near the room's
sliding door.
He said he had closed the door the night
before but did not lock it.
Reisler described his watch remembering the
alarm was set at 8:50 am and that he had close to 50 phone
numbers programmed in it.
And yesterday when presented with a black
Casio watch, that the accused is said to have stolen, Reisler
noticed that the alarm was set at 8:50 a.m And he recognized
the phone numbers, including the number and name of a friend
who visited Bermuda with him three years ago.
John Trott, a friend of the accused, testified
that he received the watch from the accused last July.
He said he could not remember if the accused
told him where the watch came from.
But after looking at a statement he made
to Police in August, 1987, Trott said the accused told him
that he received the watch from a guy who owed him.
Crown Counsel Mr. Stephen Harrison is expected
to call two more wit- witnesses this morning, including an
expert on DNA samples, before the defense opens its case.
The trial resumes before Puisne Judge
the Hon. Mr. Justice (Austin) Ward.